Build My Tree
Establishment of a Pedigree by extracting evidence, from valid sources, of how one generation is connected to the next. (In essence, this means the discipline of the construction of a valid family tree)
A biographical study of a genealogically proven family and of the community and country in which they lived. (In essence, this means the writing of a biography of a series of related ancestors of common genealogy. Family History incorporates Genealogy)
Family History
At Build My Tree, we focus on your Genealogy whilst providing a framework for your Family History. We are passionate about providing the context for your family and guidance on how to explore this further.
Build My Tree © 2017 - 2022
Family History
Establishment of a Pedigree by extracting evidence, from valid sources, of how one generation is connected to the next. (In essence, this means the discipline of the construction of a valid family tree)
A biographical study of a genealogically proven family and of the community and country in which they lived. (In essence, this means the writing of a biography of a series of related ancestors of common genealogy. Family History incorporates Genealogy)
At Build My Tree, we focus on your Genealogy whilst providing a framework for your Family History. We are passionate about providing the context for your family and guidance on how to explore this further.
Build My Tree © 2017 - 2021